Then the UP Corps of Sponsors happened in my life.
I was a thin, insecure 16 year old college student when I was approached by a male classmate who happened to be a cadet officer (he recently passed the bar. Congratulations Erick Sta Barbara). Being the insecure me, I took the invitation as a joke and threatened to hurt him should he insist. He convinced me that it is not the case and so I went and accepted the invitation. I underwent the 3 level interviews to select the members of Corps of Sponsors and I was accepted as Deputy Corps Sponsor for Operations. I was taught to plan and execute activities, conduct after activity debriefing, make reports and see how the ladies will be trained in the military and social graces aspect. The life of a sponsor is a charming, exciting, and tiring one. It is self fulfilling. We have conducted different medical missions, social activities, and other activities that enriched further my college years. Those years with the Corps are the happiest ones for me.

Ushering detail, UP Manila Graduation, PICC. Circa 2002
We were told in the Corps that we were chosen not solely because of our intellect but because of how we handle ourselves during the interview. Grace under pressure, beauty, and brains are some of the traits that the panelists look for in a sponsor. I am flattered, yet I did not fully believe that I got the beauty they were talking about. Not until recently.

Me at the UP Corps of Sponsors Assembly, UP Bahay ng Alumni, Diliman Quezon City
I have been coordinating with the UP Vanguards and I have been actively campaigning during freshmen orientation in UP Manila so we can invite more UP Manila students to join the UP Corps of Cadets. After some time, I was able to get in touch with some alumnae members of UP Corps of Sponsors. A meeting was held, we made a decision, and we were able to come up with a UP Corps of Sponsors Alumnae Assembly held last March 16, 2013 at the UP Bahay ng Alumni.

The activity started at 11am and we were able to meet and have fun times with the Ladies of the Corps until 3pm. The Ladies were stressing on sisterhood and the fact that we are all beauty and brains. I no longer find myself revolting or resisting the idea that I am beautiful, that I am worthy to be called a Sponsor. I guess, more than the skin deep beauty, I have learned to accept and appreciate the real me, the person who loved and who will always love the Corps. I am pleased to know that I belong to a sisterhood that values the Corps as much as I do. I am happy to say that I belong.
After the activity, the ladies went to the parade and were able to troop the line. I had to leave in the middle of the parade but I kept in heart the happiness of being one with my Sponsor sisters again. I remember what the Corps Sponsor 2001-2002 told me, the lady who inspired me to finish the sponsor process (Dr. Mary Ruth Sanchez), she told me that once a lady becomes a sponsor, she will always be a sponsor. We do not forget the shibboleths of the Corps neither do we abandon it. We will always be for Honor, Excellence, and Service. For it has stood the test of time, and victory made it Strong. We are the UP Corps of Sponsors.
I will have to thank these kind people who help the UP Corps of Sponsors Alumnae Assembly a Success.
Goldie Miranda
Joann Corbe
Mrs Corbe
Karylle Gallardo-Esguerra
Edrick Esguerra
Wel Garcia-Dy
Roberto Dy Jr
Glenn Llamador
Ms Charmain Doroteo
UPLB Corps of Sponsors Residents and Alumnae
UPD Corps of Sponsors Residents and Alumnae
Faith Roanne Caronan
Atty. Shaina Ramirez
Cong. Lorna Verano
Ms. Dominique Monera-Tabora
Ms. Vida Doria
Ms Riza Baldoria
UP Corps of Sponsors Alumnae from the North America
Vgd. Alex Tamayo,'93 who is our official photogapher. See more of his works here
Centro Residences by Wee Community Developers
Public Information Office
I am just thankful being surrounded by the most beautiful women in UP.
Hail the Corps of Sponsors.