I haven't heard people ask me why I entered this business or why in spite of the challenges it brings, do I still decide to stay. I often find myself asking associate applicants the same and the most answer I get is "for the money". While financial rewards is one of the highlights of the business, this is not enough to push one to growth. So, here I am sharing the 5 reasons I am staying in this business I love - Real Estate Marketing.
Source: http://awakenyoursoul.wordpress.com/2008/07/31/to-socialize-or-not-to-socialize-that-is-the-question/
5. I love my free time.
I love my free time. Whenever I am overwhelmed with work and other activities, I try to find the time to meet friends, or go to the bookstore, or watch a movie with my niece. I can opt to finish writing an article, unwind for 2-3 hours, and go back to work.
There are times when I decide not to work at all. I can spontaneously visit a friend or meet someone in the afternoon. My free time sometimes become my work time. When I socialize and the real estate business topic comes up, people go to me. So I end up working and partying at the same time.
Source: http://oxforddistancelearning.com/how-you-learn-by-travelling
4. I love travelling
I like going places and learning new routes. Studying a property makes me travel. And I can schedule it (I love my free time).
If the location is some place I cannot go and inspect now, there is always GoogleMap to lead me to it. Going out there learning more about the place and the routes to go there sharpens my geospatial imagination.
Being good with location is one of the basic skills of a real estate professional.
Source: http://mashable.com/2012/12/24/startup-growth/
3. I just love the brain and spiritual effect: Intellectual and Spiritual growth.
Going out there is terrifying. Specially for someone like me who came from a sheltered background. But it is the process all of us needs to undergo if we really want to be the best in what we do. Learning about the business does not end by becoming a Real Estate Professional by getting the license. Learning is a daily habit. A lifestyle. It also helps that we have a healthy self image, a good image on others, and a strong spirituality to meet the everyday challenges our Profession gives us.
Source: http://www.123rf.com/photo_11217639_family-moving-into-new-home.html
2. Meeting new people.
This is the industry where you get to meet lots of people. People who are looking for a place to call their own, a condo they can stay in, or a house they can make their home. Young and old, single or married, professional or business people; you get to meet all types of home lookers. And you are there to listen to them, help them get the best their money can afford, and perhaps be their friend.
I have made friends with my clients and it has been very rewarding to see your clients happily move into their homes. Some have welcome me in their families, offered a holiday stay, and even met my parents.
I also like being surrounded by people of different professions and learn from them. I am a member of a college organization, a Real Estate organization, and I constantly meet people from different fields. People are magnificent.
Source: http://advice.chnlove.com/chnlove-review-why-are-rich-and-successful-men-still-rejected-by-chinese-women/
1. The Rewards
The rewards are many - financial rewards, friends, opportunity to travel, learning and more. It outnumbers the challenges we need to face as Real Estate Professionals. However, one must not be led to believe that we are reaping rewards without giving commensurate work. Real Estate brokers are one of the most workaholic specie of workers I met so far. It is not unusual to find a real estate professional working 18-20 hours a day, 7 days a week just to meet a quota. You may have seen real estate professionals offering properties during the holidays when they should be with their families. It is not all roses and laughters. Just like all other professions - hard work, integrity, ethical practice, and perseverance are important in this business.
Interested to explore a business opportunity by becoming a Real Estate Professional?
Send us an email at: sheryl.sollestre@gmail.com
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